Get to the bottom of your ear symptoms and concerns by visiting Ear and Balance Clinic. Drawing on years of experience, our team of ear professionals provides comprehensive balance and hearing assessments, order imaging scans and other tests, and offer treatment options for the range of hearing, balance, and ear disorders. We focus on the least invasive most effective treatments and emphasizze patient education to understand their ear conditions for prudent home management.
Office Microsurgery:
Repair of Small Eardrum Perforations
Removal of Infected Material, Unplug Surfer's Ear Blockage
Mastoid Cavity Crust Removal
Tympanostomy Tube Placement
Excisional Biopsy Ear Skin Lesions
Labyrinthine Perfusions for Vertigo or Hearing Loss
Excision of Ear Polyps and Cysts
Clear Foreign Bodies or Material
Myringotomy to Open the Eardrum to Drain Fluid
Partial Surfers Ear Exostosis Removal
Excision of Small Ear Skin Cancers
Drain or Remove Abscesses
Surgical Procedures:
Cholesteatoma Removal with Tympanoplasty
Mastoidectomy and Ossicular Chain Reconstruction
"Surfer's Ear" Exostosis Total Removal with Canal Reconstruction