To encourage affordable optimal ear care, we extend our SPECIAL OFFERS ON OUR SURGICAL, MEDICAL, AND HEARING AID SERVICES.
Our special price points are designed to help you learn about your precious hearing, balance and ear health at a low cost.
See below and check with us often to see our current offers!
Surfer's Special
We offer a packaged hearing test, exam by microscopy you can see on our TV monitor, and treatment recommendations. It's ideal to learn the status and severity of your ear symptoms for those who have unmet high deductibles or no insurance. The "Surfer's Special" is named after our ocean-loving patients, although we extend this offer to everyone.
Hearing Aid Promos
Ask us about any special hearing aid promotions and accessories. Offered throughout the year, these promotions reflect a variety of instrument makers and vary often.
Courtesy Hearing Screens
Each year, during May and June, we perform courtesy hearing screenings to everyone to celebrate National Better Speech and Hearing Month. If you're curious about your hearing sensitivity and would like an assessment by a hearing specialist, this is perfect for you.